Personal Profile Pages of the Members associated with the Faculty of Engineering University of Peradeniya

Personal Information

This website maintains the personal information of any person associated with the Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya. A person could be a student, staff, or alumni. It acts as a website of your own. If you are interested in making your page please register first in PeraEfac Members Page and create your account. Then start entering your personal information. The link to your Profile Page will redirect you to this website allowing you to create your personal web page.

Membership Management of Organizations

The personal information of the community of Peradeniya Engineering Faculty is kept in a unified database repository allowing any organizations associated with the Faculty to maintain the membership or association information of their members. Also, the repository allows the officers of the organizations to view and edit non-public data of the members important to the organization such as addresses and emails. Also, the repository will allow organizations to send emails and letters easily.

Since a person can be a member of many such organizations, this website maintains a single set of public documents of each person describing his/her personal achievements to the members and the public.

This information is linked to the repository of each organization.

If you are interested in joining your organization, please contact the administrator at

Following organizations maintain their members on this web site

  • Peradeniya Engineering Faculty
  • Peradeniya Engineering Faculty Alumni Association
Last modified: le 2020/11/21 05:07